Snowboard Registry
Snowboard Registry
The free Snowboard Registry is your first line of defense against stolen boards.
If your snowboard disappears and it’s not registered, it’s too late. We can’t help you.
Here’s how it works:
Before you buy a used board, you can check its serial number on the Snowboard Registry webpage to make sure it hasn¹t been reported stolen.
Enter your serial numbers now for the boards you own to protect your property. The serial number is engraved in the top face of your board. We keep your contact info on file in case your board shows up, then we will try to contact you. The info on the form you fill out stays confidential, only the serial number, make, model, and length are posted on the webpage. We will never sell your info or use it to solicit you. Before you buy a used board, you can check its serial number on the Snowboard Registry webpage to make sure it hasn’t been reported stolen.