Feb 092013


Plantar Fasciitis is also known as fasciitis plantaris.

Zapz available here!

Plantar Fasciitis Tip #1

Zapz Microwavable Custom Insoles can help alleviate the excruciating pain of Plantar Fasciitis at a fraction of the cost of custom orthotics.
$49.95.  Zapz available here!

See the video where Steve Cohen, CEO of Masterfit Enterprises explains two ways to ease or alleviate the pain of Plantar Fasciitis here!

Plantar Fasciitis Tip #2

EZFit Insoles – Trace, Trim, and Drop it In!

EZFit Snow – provides warmth and improves fit, comfort, support.


EZFit Terra – improves fit, comfort, support and performance in all footwear, in all activities.

EZFit Insoles are also available here at $39.95


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